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第 5 版 世界チョコレート成績表 主要な持続可能性問題に関するチョコレート企業のランクとグレード


世界チョコレート成績表は、主要な持続可能性問題に関してチョコレート企業をランク付けし、評価するものです。世界チョコレート成績表は、Be Slavery Free が調整役を務め、3つの大学、コンサルタント、市民団体[1]がチョコレート業界の変革に取り組んでいます。



[1] NGO(非政府組織)とも呼ばれます。





世界チョコレート成績表(第5版)は、科学的根拠に基づく目標イニシアチブ(SBTi)、 カーボン・ ディスクロージャー・プロジェクト(CDP) アカウンタビリティ・フレームワーク(AFi)、国際カカオ・イニシアチブ、持続可能なカカオに関する欧州イニシアチブの質問に沿ったものとなっています。


世界チョコレート成績表 公表































  • マッコーリー大学(オーストラリア・シドニー)からのチョコレート・スコアカード(プロジェクトID:10917、2022年)
  • オープン大学(英国)ヒト研究倫理委員会/4275/ベルナルディ
  • ウーロンゴン大学ヒト研究倫理委員会、プロジェクト名:世界チョコレート成績表、番号:2022/009







· ゼネラル・ミルズ(3年目)

· クルーガー・グループ

· JBココとグリコ(アジア/日本)







1. 企業のアンケートからの質問の半分以下。小売業者に最も関連性がある質問。

2. 特に小売業者のために設計された追加質問(市販されている彼らの他のチョコレート製品に関連するデューデリジェンスなど)




  • 米国からのすべての招待小売業者、すなわちコストコ、クローガー、ウォルグリーン、ウォルマート、ホールフーズなど、米国からのすべての招待小売業者
  • ザ・ウェアハウス、フードスタッフなど、ニュージーランドで所有されているすべての招待小売業者
  • カジノ、REWE、テスコ、メトロ(ヨーロッパ/英国)
  • Sセブン&アイ・ホールディングス(日本)

今年は新たにEDEKAとMigros Retailの参加を歓迎し、彼らの参加に心から感謝いたします。








調査チームは、説明ウェビナー(オンデマンドで利用可能)を作成し、ウェブサイト上で完全なアンケート、用語集、および関連調査を公開しました。企業とのグループQ&A Zoomミーティング(異なるタイムゾーンで提供)を開催し、12月15日までに草案を提出した企業へのフィードバックを提供し、企業との個別Zoomミーティングを開催して質問に回することをしました。13社以上の企業が、調査チームの一部または全員との個別ミーティングを開催する(企業によっては複数回開催)選択を行いました。成績表チームは、企業と数多くのメールのやり取りを行いました。



トレーサビリティ と透明性
トレーサビリティ と透明性





トレーサビリティ と透明性




  • 直接および間接調達の両方における国、農場団体および農家レベルまでのカカオのトレーサビリティ、および追跡可能なカカオの割合
  • 認証制度やその他の方法(企業独自のプログラムなど)が使用されている
  • 協同組合/サプライチェーンの公表を含む、追跡可能なサプライチェーンに関する企業による報告の透明性
  • トレーサビリティを検証するために使用されたツール


  • トレーサビリティは、サプライチェーンの川下にいる購入者ほど確保が困難であること。
  • 豆は、ココアバター、リキュール、パウダーといった豆の派生物よりも追跡しやすい。
  • トレーサビリティには、マスバランス、セグリゲーション、「アイデンティティ・プリザーブド」以外にも複数のレベルがあります。これには、専任の農家団体との連携、マスバランスカカオの原産地の一致、農家から農家団体、輸出業者、サプライヤー、工場へのトレーサビリティ、およびサプライチェーンの一部についてのみトレーサビリティを確保するその他の方法などが含まれます。
  • サプライチェーンが常に変化していると、100%のトレーサビリティを達成することは困難です。100%に到達した後でも、年によっては97〜98%までしかいかない場合もあるかもしれません。これは、採点上は満点とみなされます。
  • 規則や法律はすべての参加企業に同様に適用されるため、採点には含まれません。







  • 西アフリカおよび世界のカカオについて、信頼できる生計維持所得基準価格(LIRF)(フェアトレードVOICEネットワーク、または同等の信頼できる算定値もしくはより高い価格2のいずれかを設定)を支払う方針、および/または算定値を持ち、調達先の農家に追加の奨励金を支払うことを確約している(または支払っている)こと。
  • 調達先の地域社会と協議の上決定した、農家の生計維持所得を達成または貧困に対処する企業プログラムを有すること。
  • そのようなプログラムの影響を測定し、結果を共有すること。


  • 生計維持所得を基本的人権として認識する声明を出す。
  • そのプログラムを基準とするため、実際の生計維持所得計算を使用している。
  • ガーナとコートジボワールの政府が定めた生計維持所得格差(LID)と認証済み奨励金に加えて農家に支払いを行っている。
  • は開発プロジェクトへの投資は、調達先の地域社会と協議の上決定された開発プロジェクトに投資している。




2 この特定のスコアカードは、採用されたLIRFのタイプに関しては不可知論的です。しかし、世界銀行の極貧ラインまたは供給国の最低賃金を使用することは、信頼できません


NORC決勝 レポート:コートジボワールとガーナのカカオ栽培地域におけるココア生産における児童労働の削減の進捗状況を評価する米国労働省が資金提供したNORC最終報告書:コートジボワールとガーナのカカオ栽培地域における児童労働削減の進展評価によると、以下のことが明らかになりました。

  • カカオ生産において児童労働にさらされている子どもは156万人コア生(コートジボワールの約79万人、ガーナの約77万人を含む)
  • 148万人の子どもがカカオ生産における危険な児童労働の少なくとも一つの要素にさらされている

  • 2008/09年から2018/19年の間に、農薬への曝露がより一般的になり、農薬製品にさらされた子どもの割合は5%から24%へと約5倍に増加しました。




  • 児童労働政策、監視・是正改善ステムまたはそれに相当するもの(児童労働監視・改善システム:CLMRS)
  • CLMRSの対象となる農場の割合
  • 児童労働と強制労働に対処するためのプログラムとプロセスをスケールアップする計画の有無





アジアからアフリカ、ラテンアメリカまで、ほとんどどこで採れたカカオでも、気候変動に悪影響を及ぼす森林伐採と結びついて いることが研究で明らかになっています。森林は炭素を吸収しますが、枯れると炭素を放出し、炭素吸収源としての役割を果たさなくなります。また森林は、テナガザルや類人猿など、世界的に最も絶滅の危機に瀕している種の重要な生息地でもあります。

このため、本セクションでは、深刻な気候変動につながる世界の年間温室効果ガス (GHG) 排出量への業界の貢献度にも焦点を当てています。


CFI のような森林への取り組み以外にも、チョコレート企業はさまざまな気候変動対策を行っており、特に最近の「ゼロへの競争」(総排出量ゼロを目指す)では、チョコレート産業が積極的に取り組んでいます。



  • グローバル調達における非森林破壊方針の適用、および非森林破壊モニタリング制度を通じて購入したカカオの割合
  • 各種基準日以降、森林破壊地域から調達されたカカオの割合

  • 供給業社が最近伐採された土地からカカオを調達している証拠への対応方法に関する詳細な計画
  • 全社的または科学的根拠に基づく目標を用いた炭素総排出量ゼロを達成するための方針






  • アグロフォレストリーの方針とその定義
  • アグロフォレストリーの方針の適用(世界規模、または西アフリカのみ)
  • アグロフォレストリーの方針の評価とモニタリング
  • サプライチェーン内の農家が、アグロフォレストリーの栽培方法に移行するための支援と投資






  • 農薬削減のための目標や方針が明示されているか否か
  • サプライチェーンにおける有害農薬の評価と監視、および有害農薬の使用を段階的に廃止するための措置
  • 化学薬品に依存しない代替品の採用の支援


















業界をリードしている 業界をリードしている
方針には問題なく、実行に移し始めている 方針には問題なく、実行に移し始めている
方針設定と実行にもっと取り組む必要がある 方針設定と実行にもっと取り組む必要がある
業界に追いつく必要がある 業界に追いつく必要がある
1〜24% またはレッドスコア3つ以上
透明性に欠ける (アンケート無回答) 透明性に欠ける (アンケート無回答)



The Survey

トレーサビリティ と透明性

トレーサビリティ と透明性

Q1.1 Bean purchases What percentage of the company’s total cocoa product purchases are purchased as cocoa beans versus cocoa bean derivatives and products (such as cocoa liquor, butter, powder, chocolate)? Please calculate the cocoa bean equivalent..

All other cocoa products (including liquor, butter, powder, chocolate):

  • 0-49% = 0 pts 
  • 50-74% = 2 pts
  • 75-100% = 3 pts

(Bonus points for those that buy mostly or only derivatives, because it is more difficult to achieve 100% traceability)

Q1.2 Direct and indirect supply What percentage of the company’s total cocoa purchases are part of the company’s direct supply chain?

% Direct:

Less than 50% = 0 pts

Less than 60% = 1 pt

Less than 75% = 2 pts

75% or more = 3 pts 

Q1.3 Certification What percentage of total cocoa purchases are certified?

Any certification program

Over 25% = 1 pt

Over 50% = 2 pts

Over 75% = 3 pts

Multiple certification programs (2 or more)

Over 25% = 1 pt

Over 50% = 2 pts

Over 75% = 3 pts 

Q1.4 Company program What percentage of the company’s total cocoa purchases is sourced through a company program?

For credible program:

Over 50% = 1 pt

Over 75% = 2 pt

Q1.5 Traceability target Does the company have a target date or roadmap for traceability (including GPS or polygon mapping) from farmer or farmer group (as specified in the public commitment) to the company’s customers (for trading and processing) or the company’s brands (for manufacturing and retail)?

Yes without evidence = 0 points.

Yes with evidence = see below.


  • 0-2023 = 3 pts
  • 2024-2025 = 2 pts
  • 2026-2030 = 1 pt
  • After 2030 = 0 pts


  • 100% = 2 pts
  • 75-99% = 1 pt
  • 0-74% = 0 pts

Maximum 5 pts

Q 1.6 Traceable to country level What percentage of the company’s total cocoa purchases are traceable to the country of origin?

96-100%: 3 points

91-95%: 2 points

86-90%: 1 point

0-85%: 0 points

Q 1.7 Traceable to Farmer Group/cooperative level What percentage of the company’s total cocoa purchases are traceable to a sourcing area?

76-100%: 3 points

61-75%: 2 points

41-60%: 1 point

0-40%: 0 points

Q 1.8 Traceable to farmer level What percentage of the company’s total cocoa purchases are traceable to the production unit? (e.g. farm, plantation, identifying the farmers with unique farmer ID’s)?

61-100%: 3 points

46-60%: 2 points

31-45%: 1 point

0-30%: 0 points

Q 1.9 Mass Balance and traceability Does the company have any other variants of traceability than those covered in the questions above? This may include a mass balance approach with traceability from farm to first point of purchase, from farm to processing factories, from farm to customer, etc. This may also include a mass balance approach with financial or in-kind support to specific Farmer Groups. Please add the details in the answer, including the number of groups and the percentage of the overall supply that this represents. 

Extra points given for stronger Mass Balance models than basic Mass Balance.

3 extra points may be given if 0 points scored on Q1.7 and Q1.8

Q 1.10 Mapping What percentage of the company’s total cocoa purchases is GPS or polygon mapped?

71-100%: 3 points 51-70%: 2 points 31-50%: 1 point 0-30%: 0 points

Q1.11 Mapping Please identify the tools being used for cocoa traceability and verifying the purchase location (e.g. Scientific methods (such as trace element verification), Blockchain, Barcodes, Geo-tagging, other electronic tools).

No tools = 0 pts.

Efforts made/tool(s) used but not effective enough = 1 pt

One effective tool used = 2 pts

Multiple effective tools used = 3 pts

Q1.12 Has the company made public a list of all Farmer groups/cooperatives/districts that they source cocoa from in their direct supply chain?

No = 0 pts Yes or No, but the information will be provided to civil society by agreement and on request:

Yes, for all countries = 3 points

Yes, for specific countries = 2 points

Partially, for specific countries = 1 point

No = 0 points

Q1.13 Overarching gender strategy Does the company have a gender strategy? This can be an organization-wide strategy with cocoa-specific components or a cocoa-specific strategy. It must include cocoa. Please add details in the answer.

Yes as a gender strategy = 2pts

yes if mentioned in overall strategy = 1 pt

no = 0 pts

Q1.14 Gender Does the company know what percentage of farmers in the Farmer Groups in question are female?

Yes with evidence = 2 pts

Yes without evidence = 0 pts

No = 0 pts

If Yes with evidence: reward companies for good percentage with maximum +1 pt. 

Maximum 3 pts

Q1.15 Gender Does the company know what percentage or number of women hold leadership or decision making positions in the Farmer Groups in the supply chain? These may be women with positions on the board of a cooperative of Farmer Group. Please add details in the answer.

Yes with evidence = 2 pts

Yes without evidence = 0 pts

No = 0 pts

If Yes with evidence: reward companies for good percentage with maximum +1 pt. 

Maximum 3 pts

Q1.16 How many Tier 1 suppliers does the retailer work with for supply of private label products containing cocoa? This question is not scored but will be used to score the following questions.
Not scored (used to score other questions)
Q1.17 How many Tier 1 cocoa or chocolate product suppliers of the retailer can provide country of origin information for cocoa supplied to the retailer?

For Q1.17 and subsequent questions about Tier 1 suppliers: divide the Tier 1 suppliers for these answers by the Tier 1 suppliers in Q1.16 to get the % of suppliers for grading.

0% of Tier 1 suppliers = 0

>0-25% = 1

>25-75% = 2

>75-100% = 3

If less than 75% then the maximum score for the traceability section is orange.

Q1.18 How many Tier 1 cocoa or chocolate product suppliers of the retailer can provide lists of their suppliers (the Tier 2 suppliers of the retailer)?

The answer for Q1.18 divided by the answer for Q1.17 (share of total Tier 1 suppliers)

0% = 0

>0-25% = 1

>25-75% = 2

>75-100% = 3

Q1.19 If needed, please add extra context on the information that the Tier 1 suppliers can provide. This question will not be scored but may improve the scores on the previous questions.

 Adjust the score for Q1.17 and Q1.18 based on this answer by a maximum of 1 point for each question, up to 3 points total.

Q1.20 How does the retailer encourage suppliers to take action on sustainability? (e.g. through a supplier code of conduct, expectations for audits or certification, paying a higher price) Add proof, URL or attachment

No response = 0

Supplier code or equivalent = 1

Supplier code plus compliance audits plus mechanism to resolve non-compliance = 2

Supplier code, compliance audits plus direct engagement, or certification = 3

Scoring flexibility for answers that don't fit into this pattern

Q1.21 Add attachment if required
Q1.22 Branded products Does the retailer conduct due diligence on the traceability of branded cocoa products that the retailer sells?

No = 0

Yes = 1

Q1.23 Which brands has the retailer examined in the last 12 months?

None = 0 points

1 or more = 1 point

Q1.24 What type of due diligence does the retailer undertake?

Requesting data from the brand about the supplies: No = 0 points, Yes = 1 point

Checking the certification status of products: No = 0 points, Yes = 1 point

Inquiring whether products in general are covered by the brand’s traceability scheme: No = 0 points, Yes = 1 point

Checking the veracity of ‘sustainability’ or ‘ethical’ claims on packaging and promotion: No = 0 points, Yes = 1 point

Other: Judge based on responses. Max 1 pt.

Maximum 5 pts total

Q1.25 This question is an opportunity for the company to ‘showcase’ any program, policy or initiative there have not been questions about. This question is scored, with highest scores being given for innovative, ambitious, scaled or scalable initiatives. Please add any additional information on traceability and transparency the company would like to include. Please provide volumes and percentage of the overall supply that these projects represent.

Companies: 11 pts

Small companies: 10 pts

Retailers: 8 pts

(20% of total score for this section)

Q1.26 Please indicate below that you understand that all these questions will be used to generate a company score [I understand and wish to proceed]


Q2.1 Does the company have a published policy or publicly available statement that states that a living income is a basic human right?

Yes = 3 pts

Yes (no evidence) = 0 pts

No/Unknown/No answer = 0 pts

Q2.2 Does this policy or action plan have gender-specific components? Please add details in the answer.
  • Policy of non-discrimination only (eg ILO foundational principles) = 1 pt
  • Programs which empower women (like a VSLA or the like) = 2 or 3 depending on the scale of the project.
  • Number of interventions = 3pts
  • Non-discrimination, programs and some affirmative action (eg assisting with land ownership rights) = 4 pts
Q2.3 Does the policy cover its own brand or both its own brand and branded cocoa products? Branded products are products that are not owned by the retailer. These include the brands of the large chocolate manufacturers that are sold in the stores of the retailer. This question will not be scored

This question is not scored. 

Maximum 0 points. 

Q2.4 How many Tier 1 suppliers for the retailer conform to this policy?

Refer to Q1.16 for the total number of Tier 1 suppliers.

100% = 2 pts

1-99% = 1 pt

0% = 0 pts

Q2.5 Does the policy include paying a living income to cocoa farmers?

Yes = 5 pts (if paid)

Yes = 1 pt (if included but not paid)

No = 0 pts 

If NO then retailer cannot score higher than yellow on Living Income

Q2.6 Does the company have a time-bound living income action plan for cocoa purchasing that includes purchasing practices – explicitly addressing farm gate pricing? Farm gate pricing means monetary value paid directly to farmers. Examples of increases are living income reference pricing and premiums aimed at increasing the income rather than covering costs of compliance Please note that the mandatory Living Income Differential (LID) is not included.

Yes, if implemented already = max 5 pts

yes, if credible and with target date = 4 pts

No = 0 pts

Q2.7 What percentage of the cocoa in the company's total cocoa supply chain (direct and indirect) is paid for with a price above the farm gate price? This question is about payments that are made to farmers (directly or through Farmer Groups), not payments to Farmer Groups only.

Above 50%: = 3 pts

Above 30% = 2 pts

Above 1% = 1 pt

0% = 0 pts

Q2.8 Certification premiums Does the company pay premiums, for example through Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade certification?

Above 50%: = 2 points

Above 1% = 1 pt

0% = 0 pts

Points will also be given for Organic certificaiton.

Q2.9 Living Income Reference Price (LIRP): What percentage of the total number of farmers in the company’s supply chain are paid the Living Income Reference Price? For retailers or brand/manufacturers: what percentage of the total cocoa volume in the final products was purchased by the company’s suppliers for the Living Income Reference Price?

2 points for showing accurate LIRP calculation 

1 point if farmers are paid LIRP

1 point if there is a timebound action plan for farmers to receive a LIRP 

Q2.10 Living Income Reference Price (LIRP): For each Living Income Reference Price, please indicate the country, price calculated and source of the calculation

Validation question (to validate Q2.9) 

Q2.11 Does the company have a method for verifying payments to farmers such as e-payment systems?

Yes = 2 points

No, but we are investigating = 1 point

No = 0 points

Q2.12 Purchasing practices Does the company have a publicly available purchasing practices policy or document that outlines what the roles and responsibility are of the company when it comes to fair remuneration (a fair price), risk sharing of farmers, and full transparency in communication about this? This applies to direct cocoa purchases from farmers/cooperatives/farmer groups.

Yes (publicly available) = 5 pts

Yes (not publicly available) = 3 pts

No = 0 pts

Q2.13 This question is an opportunity for the company to ‘showcase’ any program, policy or initiative there have not been questions about. This question is scored, with highest scores being given for innovative, ambitious, scaled or scalable initiatives. Please add any additional information on living income the company would like to include. Guiding questions: Besides the activities in the company’s core business of buying cocoa, what program-based activities is the company undertaking to increase net income for farmers? Please show the proof of impact and the percentage of overall supply that these projects represent. More points will be awarded for proven impact compared to effort.

Companies: 7 pts

Small companies: 7 pts

Retailers: 7 pts

(20% of total score for this section)

Q2.14 Please indicate below that you understand that all these questions will be used to generate a company score [I understand and wish to proceed]


Q3.1 Does the company have a policy for monitoring, reducing or eliminating child labor in the company’s supply chains?

Yes (with evidence) = 3 points

Yes (no evidence or misunderstanding of eliminating child labor) = 0 pts

No = 0 pts

Q3.2 Does this policy or action plan take gender into account? Please explain how. (e.g. a gender specific approach to child labor monitoring (female adults and young girls)) Please add details in the answer.

Yes (with evidence) = 5 points

Yes (no evidence or misunderstanding of eliminating child labor) = 0 pts

No = 0 pts

Q3.3 Does the company have a policy to monitor, reduce or eliminate the exposure of children to pesticides in the company’s supply chains?

Yes and URL link provided = 3 points

Yes but no evidence = 1 point

No = 0 points

Q3.4 Does the company have a program, either operated through a specific agreement or partnership through a certification program, trader or processor, the International Cocoa Initiative or the company’s own CLMRS, that seeks to prevent, monitor, remediate children in situations of child labor?

Yes with evidence = 2 points

Yes without evidence = 0 pts

No = 0 points Retailers:

Yes with evidence = 8 points

Yes without evidence = 2 pts

No = 0 points

Q3.5 Which countries does this program cover? Please list the countries

No points. Used for validation. 

Q3.6 Please provide further details about the program that is used by the company. If the company is using a different model (for example a risk-based model) please add the details here. This question is not scored, but more points may be awarded on the previous questions if the company can demonstrate the impact of the program.

Only score points if this shows impact, not effort.

Any points to be added to the wild card question. 

Q3.7 In the past year, how many cocoa farmer households were included in programs or schemes to address the situation where children are found to be in situations of child labor?  (In absolute numbers, as well as in % of total sourcing, for both direct and indirect supply)

% of total sourcing:

80-100% = 3 points

60-79% = 2 points

40-59% = 1 point

< 39% = 0 points

Number of households is not scored - Needed to calculate cases and reduction in the next questions.

Q3.8 How many children were covered by a program to address child labor (for example a Child Labor Monitoring and Remediation System (CLMRS))?

If credible = 3 points

If not credible = 0 points

Credibility is based on overall volume (see section 0) and number of households (Q3.7). Indicator: 2 kids per MT of cocoa, or 2 kids per household or more. 

Q3.9 How many cases have been identified of the worst forms of child labor in the past year? The number of children identified over a certain period must be related to children covered (or monitored/visited) during the same period.

If answered with a credible number = 5 pts

If not answered = 0 pots 

Q3.10 How many children, among those identified as being in child labor, received support?

Any credible number = 3 pts

A non-credible number = 0 pts

No = 0pts

A credible number would be around 15-20% or higher of children identified

Q3.11 How many children are no longer in the worst forms of child labor after follow-up visits during the past year?

For a realistic number = 5 points awarded for transparency.


  • within 3 years 50% should no longer be in child labor.
  • a 10% reduction or higher would score points.
Q3.12 Has the company publicly communicated any numbers related to programs or schemes to prevent, monitor, and remediate child labor during the past year, or reported on actions to prevent and address child labor to any national authorities in the past 12 months?

Yes and credible = 5 points

No = 0 points 

Q3.13 Does the company have evidence that the programs or schemes are reducing the prevalence of child labor situations? Please include evidence over several years to prove impact over time (the prevalence rate). Answer yes if an impact evaluation or other study has been conducted that shows the system's impact on reducing child labor.

Credible evidence = 5 points (maximum).

Scores can be 0-1-2-3-4-5.

Highest scores for impact evaluations and not just participation evaluations.

Lowest scores for pilots with no evaluation processes.

Q3.14 Does the company have a policy to monitor, reduce or eliminate forced labor and human trafficking in the company’s supply chain?

Yes and URL link provided = 2 points

Yes but no evidence = 1 point

No = 0 points

Q3.15 Has the company found and successfully remediated any cases of forced labor and human trafficking in the past 12 months?
Not scored. Credibility question. If you have a credible answer then the points can be added to the Wild Card question
Q3.16 This question is an opportunity for the company to ‘showcase’ any program, policy or initiative there have not been questions about. This question is scored, with the highest scores being given for innovative, ambitious, scaled or scalable initiatives. Please add any additional information, or attach any documents on child labor, forced labor and human trafficking the company would like to include. Please provide volumes and percentage of overall supply that these projects represent. Guiding questions:Are there any other policies or activities, for example healthcare? Does the company support the provision of good quality, context appropriate education and schools for children in farmer communities including monitoring school attendance and incentivization for children to attend school (e.g. meal provided or additional payment to farmer)?

Companies: 11 pts

Small companies: 9 pts

Retailers: 8 pts

Worth more than 20% for retailers because retailers were not asked many questions

Q3.17 Please indicate below that you understand that all these questions will be used to generate a company score [I understand and wish to proceed]


Q4.1 Does the company have a policy or commitment to no-deforestation / no-conversion production or sourcing?

Yes with evidence = 3 points.

Yes without evidence = 0 pts

No = 0 points

Q4.2 Does the policy cover its own brand or both its own brand and branded cocoa products?

Own brand only = 3 pts

Both own brand and branded products = 5 pts

No = 0 pts Maximum 5 pts

No answer: Can only score a maximum of yellow on deforestation section

Q4.3 How many Tier 1 suppliers for the retailer conform to this policy?

Refer to Q1.16 for the total number of Tier 1 suppliers.

0% = 0

>0-25% = 1

>25-75% = 2

>75-100% = 3

Q4.4 What mechanisms does the retailer use to ensure that own brand suppliers source deforestation or conversion free cocoa?

No response = 0

Supplier code or equivalent = 1

Supplier code plus compliance audits plus mechanism to resolve non-compliance = 2

Supplier code, compliance audits plus direct engagement, or certification = 3

Flexibility for answers that don't fit into this pattern

Q4.5 What percentage of the total cocoa volume that the company purchases is covered by a deforestation-free monitoring system? A deforestation-free monitoring system is different from certification, although certification may contribute to it. This question is limited to the monitoring system that the company or their suppliers have developed to track deforestation and assess deforestation risk.

80-100% = 3 points

 60-79% = 2 points

40-59% = 1 point

< 39% = 0 points

Q4.6 Does the company have a target year to cease sourcing from deforested areas, or has the company already accomplished this? Please enter both the year and the percentage.

Already accomplished = 3 pts

2024-2025 = 2 pts

2026-2030 = 1 pts

2031 or beyond = 0 pts

100% deforestation free: add 3 pts

Maximum 6 pts

Q4.7 Which cut-off date does the company use to assess its deforestation baseline? For example, 2010 when high quality satellite maps became more readily available for all cocoa regions. Rainforest Alliance established 2014 as a single cut-off date for deforestation. The Cocoa and Forests Initiative was established in 2017. The EUDR uses December 31, 2020 as the cut-off. If the company uses different dates for different countries, please put this in the text box below. If the company uses a date other than those listed in the example, please provide the rationale in the following question.

0-2013 = 5 pts

2014-2016 = 4 pts

2017-2018 = 3 pts

2019 through Dec 30, 2020 = 0 pt (EUDR compliance)

2021 or later = 0 pts

If multiple dates then the latest date is scored. 

Q4.8 How does the company monitor compliance for its no-deforestation / no-conversion commitment? Which standards are used?

Third-party service providers = 1 pt

Internal company systems = 1 pt

Other = add up to 1 pt if equivalent to internal company system or third-party service provider, to a maximum of 2 pts total

No monitoring = 0 pts

Q4.9 Does the above monitoring system use satellite, GPS monitoring or polygon mapping?

Yes - remote sensing = 3 pts

Yes - waypoint mapping and/or

Yes - Polygon mapping = 1 pt

Q4.10 How often does the company perform a deforestation risk assessment? A deforestation risk assessment includes assessing risks during clearing season, due-diligence at point of purchase, more frequent checks in previously cleared areas and publishing reports where possible.

Every 6 months: selected and verified = 1 pt

Every year: selected and verified = 1 pt

Every 2 years: selected and verified = 1 pt

As and when necessary: selected and verified = 1 pt

Never: 0 pts

Other (add):

  • selected and verified = 1 pt
  • No answer: 0 pts
  • Maximum 1 pt
Q4.11 What percentage of the total cocoa volume that the company sources are from:

% Sources where the deforestation status of the cocoa is unknown

0-5% = 3 pts

6-10% = 2 pts

11-15% = 1 pt

16% and over = 0 pts

Q4.12 Does the company have a public grievance mechanism that addresses noncompliance including deforestation complaints?

Yes with evidence = 3 pts

Yes without evidence = 0 pts

No = 0 pts

Q4.13 Does the company have a clear noncompliance policy with clearly defined expectations for time-bound improvement plans, remediation and thresholds for supplier exclusion based on noncompliance on deforestation? Examples of remediation are restoration of the cleared areas, supporting the replanting of that forest patch and monitoring over a period. Supplier exclusion should be a last resort.

Yes with evidence = 3 pts

Yes without evidence = 0 pts

No = 0 pts

Q4.14 Does the company have a program that helps women achieve land and tree tenure?

Yes with evidence = 3 pts

Yes without evidence = 0 pts

No = 0 pts

 if any percentage between 10-50% is provided, 1 point; if 51-100%, 2 points


Maximum 5 pts

Q4.15 Does the company’s strategy include a climate transition plan that aligns with a 1.5°C world?
  • Yes, we have a climate transition plan which aligns with a 1.5°C world - Selected and verified = 2 points
  • No, but our strategy has been influenced by climate-related risks and opportunities, and we are developing a climate transition plan within two years - Selected and verified = 1 point
  • No, our strategy has been influenced by climate-related risks and opportunities, but we do not plan to develop a climate transition plan within two years - Selected and verified = 0 points
  • No, and our strategy has not been influenced by climate-related risks and opportunities- Selected and verified = 0 points
  • Other - If valid and equivalent to 1.5 degree strategy: selected and verified = 2 points
  • No answer – 0 pts Evidence needed for points to be given.

Maximum 2 pts

Q4.16 Did the company have a science-based emissions target for scope 1 and 2 emissions that were active in the reporting year?
  • Yes, and this target has been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative: Selected and verified ( = 5 points
  • Yes, we consider this a science-based target, and the target is currently being reviewed by the Science Based Targets initiative: Selected and verified ( = 3 points
  • Other: If credible, verified AND equivalent to answer A = 5 points. If not = 0 points
  • Any other answer = 0 pts

Evidence needed for points to be given. Maximum 5 pts

Q4.17 Did the company have a science-based emissions target for scope 3 emissions that was active in the reporting year?
  • Yes, and this target has been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative: Selected and verified ( = 5 points
  • Yes, we consider this a science-based target, and the target is currently being reviewed by the Science Based Targets initiative: Selected and verified ( = 3 points
  • Yes, we consider this a science-based target, and we have committed to seek validation of this target by the Science Based Targets initiative in the next two years: Selected = 2 points
  • Yes, we consider this a science-based target, but we have not committed to seek validation of this target by the Science Based Targets initiative within the next two years: Selected = 1 point
  • No, but we are reporting another target that is science-based: If credible and equivalent to answer A = 5 points. If not credible and equivalent = 0 points
  • No, but we anticipate setting one in the next two years: If selected = 1 point
  • No, and we do not anticipate setting one in the next two years = 0 pts
  • Other: If credible and equivalent to answer A = 5 points. If not credible and equivalent = 0 points
  • No answer = 0 pts

Evidence needed for points to be given. Maximum 5 pts

Q4.18 Did the company disclose scope 3 emissions data for the most recently completed reporting year?

Yes with evidence = 3 points

Yes without evidence = 0 pts

No = 0 points

Q4.19 This question is an opportunity for the company to ‘showcase’ any program, policy or initiative there have not been questions about. This question is scored, with the highest scores given for innovative, ambitious, scaled or scalable initiatives.   Please add any additional information on deforestation and climate action the company would like to include. Please provide volumes and percentage of the overall supply that these projects represent. Guiding questions:How does the company contribute to forest restoration in protected areas (national parks, forest reserves) deforested by cocoa? How much forest area has the company helped restore since 2017?

Companies: 13 pts

Small companies: 12 pts

Retailers: 12 pts

(20% of total score for this section)

Q4.20 Please indicate below that you understand that all these questions will be used to generate a company score [I understand and wish to proceed]


Q5.1 What is the company’s agroforestry policy or approach, and to which sourcing countries does it apply?

Maximum of 3 points (irrespective of the number of countries) with:

a) 0 points if no policy in any country,

b) between 1 and 3 points depending on how many countries (out of the total list of source countries listed) are covered by an AF policy, and

c) 2 points is global AF policy cover all source countries.

Q5.2 What percentage of the cocoa sourced by the company is currently grown in an agroforestry setting and what is the agroforestry target per country?

Max 5 pts for the current % 0 if AF is not used in any country,

1 for 1-20%,

2 for 21-40%,

3 for 41-60%,

4 for 61-80% and 5

 for 81-100 %.

Target % and When (year) are scored in Q5.5.

Q5.3 What are the parameters that are used by the company to define cocoa agroforestry?

Maximum 15 pts total.

  • Adult trees per ha: Maximum 3 points. If answers given for multiple countries/rows: use the average to score.
    • 0 -15 trees/ha = 0 point,
    • 15-30 = 1 point,
    • 30-50 = 2 points,
    • >50 = 3 points.
  • % crown coverage: Maximum 3 points. If answers given for multiple countries/rows: use the average to score
    • 0-5% = 0 point,
    • 5-10% = 1 point,
    • 10%-30% = 2 points,
    • >30% = 3 points.
  • # of tree species per ha: Maximum 3 points. If answers given for multiple countries/rows: use the average to score
    • 0-3 = 0 point,
    • 3-8 = 1 point,
    • 8-12= 2 points,
    • >12 = 3 points
  • % native species: Maximum 3 points. If answers given for multiple countries/rows: use the average to score.
    • 0 for open-sun cocoa,
    • 1 point for 1-25% of native species,
    • 2 points for 26-50% of native species,
    • 3 points for ≥51% of native species.
  • Number of vertical strata: Maximum 3 points. If answers given for multiple countries/rows: use the average to score
    • 0 point for open-sun cocoa,
    • 1 point for shade canopies with 1 shade stratum,
    • 2 points for shade canopies with 2 strata,
    • 3 points for ≥ 3 strata.
Q5.4 What kind of support for cocoa agroforestry is provided by the company? This may be a monetary value or a description of the support provided

0 pts when no support is given to farmers,

1 pt when only training is provided,

2 pts when on-farm advice is provided, and

3 pts when monetary support (alone or in combination with training or on-farm advice) is provided.

If answered for multiple countries or regions: If any of the above are provided anywhere then the points are given (it does not have to be for multiple countries).

Maximum 3 pts.

Q5.5 This question is an opportunity for the company to ‘showcase’ any program, policy or initiative there have not been questions about. This question is scored, with highest scores being given for innovative, ambitious, scaled or scalable initiatives.   Please add any additional information on agroforestry the company would like to include. Please provide volumes and percentage of overall supply that these projects represent.   Please also include any relevant information or data from the company’s Cocoa & Forests Initiative reporting on agroforestry. Here the company can also talk about other agricultural methods such as regenerative agriculture and Climate Smart Agriculture.

Maximum 7 points for small companies and medium/large companies

Maximum 4 points for retailers

Worth more than 20% for retailers because they are only asked Q5.1.

Q5.6 Please indicate below that you understand that all these questions will be used to generate a company score [I understand and wish to proceed]


Q6.0 Does the company source 100% certified organic cocoa? Provide evidence confirming your company's organic certification status.

100% with evidence = Full points for the entire Pesticide section. The remaining questions do not need to be answered or scored.

No = 0 points and continue with the remaining questions for section 6

Q6.1 Does the company have a pesticide policy for the cocoa that the company sources? This may include alignment with external certification programs.

Yes (published policy) = 3 pts

Yes (no evidence) = 0 pts

No = 0 pts

Q6.2 Which own brand products are included?

Confectionery: 2 pts.

If one or more others are included: add 2 pts

Max 4 pts

Q6.3 How many Tier 1 suppliers of the retailer are compliant with this policy?

Refer to Q1.16 for the total number of Tier 1 suppliers.

0% = 0

>0-25% = 1

>25-75% = 2

>75-100% = 3

Q6.4 How does the retailer support their Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers in implementing their policy on pesticide use?

Evaluated for a mix of compliance (eg certified organic, audits) and support (eg technical expertise, dialogue, etc).

Maximum 3 pts

Q6.5 Does the company have a strategy or program to address chemical management or pesticide use that includes cocoa? This may include alignment with certification programs. Please add these details in the answer.
  • Aligned with external certification programs + additional company requirements = 3pts
  • Aligned with external certification programs only (if it applies to at least 90% of sourcing) = 2 pts
  • Aligned with external certification programs only (less than 90% of sourcing) 1pt
  • Company strategy only – score according to content. 
  • Aligned with external certification programs only (less than 100% of sourcing) 1pt
  • No or No answer = 0 pts
Q6.6 Does the company use an existing list of active substances that are monitored, prohibited and/or restricted from the company’s supply chain, for example through a certification program?

Note: this question can only add points to the score for Q6.5, up to a maximum of 3 pts for Q6.5.

Yes – uses RA/FT lists and own lists beyond those – 3 pts

Yes with proof that it uses external certification program lists = 2 pts 

Yes with another credible list = 2 pts 

Yes but without evidence = 0 pts 

No or No Answer = 0 pts

Q6.7 Does the company use its own list of active substances that is different from the list provided in the previous question?

Uses additional lists beyond external certification program lists = 3 pts.

If using only company lists and these cover not only acutely toxic to humans but also chronic health effects and/or environmental effects  = 2 pts.

If using only company lists, and these cover only acutely toxic to humans = 1pt.

Yes, but no evidence provided = 0 pts.

Q6.8 What is included in the company’s pesticide policy or commitment?

0.5 points for each answer selected.

Round the total to the nearest whole number (integer). 

Only whole numbers given as the final score. 

Maximum 3 pts

Q6.9 What data is collected about pesticide use in the supply chain?

0.5 points for each answer selected.

Round the total to the nearest whole number (integer). 

Only whole numbers may be given as the final score. 

Maximum 3 pts

Q6.10 What steps is the company taking to address these issues identified? Please mention any methods which help to manage insect pests, cocoa diseases or weeds with less need for pesticide application.

IPM trials or research  = 1 pt.

Farmer training on IPM or non-chemical methods = 1 pt.

Provision of or support for access to biological pesticides or botanical extracts or tools or labour  for cocoa tree pruning  or grove renewal = 1 pt.

Q6.11 Which pesticides, if any, is the company prioritizing for phaseout?

Mention of PAN International HHP List  = 1 pt.

Mention of HHPs = 1 pt.

Mention of any specific active substances or groups (e.g. neonicotinoids or those harmful to bees) = 1 pt.

Maximum 3 pts.

Q6.12 How is the company reducing pesticide exposure and harm to farmers and farm workers?

0.5 points for each topic mentioned. 

Round the total to the nearest whole number (integer). 

Q6.13 How is the company reducing environmental contamination and harm from pesticides?

0.5 points for each topic mentioned. 

Round the total to the nearest whole number (integer). 

Q6.14 Are you taking actions to substantially reduce or eliminate lead and cadmium from your cocoa or chocolate products?

Details on measures to remove/remedy soil contamination by these metals = 2 pts

At the stage of identifying contamination hotspots or making a reduction plan or conduct residue testing = 1 pt

No = 0 pts

Q6.15 This question is an opportunity for the company to ‘showcase’ any program, policy, or initiative there have not been questions about. This question is scored, with the highest scores given for innovative, ambitious, scaled, or scalable initiatives.   Please add any additional information on pesticide management the company would like to include. This may also include (innovative) approaches the company is investing in. Please provide the volumes and percentage of the overall supply that these projects represent.

Companies: 7 pts
Small companies: 4 pts
Retailers: 5 pts
(20% of total score for this section)

Q6.16 Please indicate below that you understand that all these questions will be used to generate a company score [I understand and wish to proceed]

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